What you get with this is a customizable (via the back office) plain text field that your visitors will have to fill in before they can leave a comment. Registered bloggers are exempt from the test, as are those who've successfully left a comment already. You will be able to customize the test and answer and rejection text in your back office.
This hack describes how to change the permalinks so that they appear without the dates. I.e. http://www.example.com/index.php/posttitle instead of http://www.example.com/index.php/2005/12/12/posttitle
SEO Keywords & Description Hack is a two-functions hack intended to help search engines to better index your posts. It makes possible to add post-specific (X)HTML page description and keywords list. If no post-specific information is given, the default blog-specific information is used instead.
Categories: Skin feature, Downloadable Plugin
This plugin allows you to present collapsable and expandable archives on a seperate page and/or in your sidebar to javascript enabled browsers. Non JS enabled browsers see the standard list.
Categories: Skin feature, Hack
Here is a hack to make b2evolution show the most viewed articles in the sidebar. It scans the existing hitlog, and is simple to install.