Categories: Skin feature, Hack
Here is a hack to make b2evolution show the most viewed articles in the sidebar. It scans the existing hitlog, and is simple to install.
Here is a hack to make b2evolution show the most viewed articles in the sidebar. It scans the existing hitlog, and is simple to install.
Bad Behavior is a set of PHP scripts which prevents spambots from accessing your site by analyzing their actual HTTP requests and comparing them to profiles from known spambots. It goes far beyond User-Agent and Referer, however. Bad Behavior is available for several PHP-based software packages, and also can be integrated in seconds into any PHP script.
This hack allows centralized edit of all skins in the admin area.
This hack adds an extra block at the top of the template admin page, listing all skins available. Click on the link to switch the editor to another skin. You can then edit any file present in the skin directory.
It works at least on and
The idea is to allow a visitor to subscribe to comments on only one post. That way they can follow the comments on what they're into instead of comments across your entire blog. Oh I built this on rss2 but you can probably do all flavors if you're into it.
b2evolution allows you to edit the Custom skin in the backoffice by going to the Template tag. This hack creates a sub-tab for each of your skins so you can edit them all in the backoffice rather than having to download, edit and upload files (or use shell access).