Categories: Renderer Plugins, Widget Plugins, 1.8+, 5.x, Downloadable Plugin
This plugin allows integrating Flickr images into your blog.
This plugin allows integrating Flickr images into your blog.
The Generic ping plugin can be used to add a generic RPC ping service to your blog.
This plugin allows you to use the GeoLite2 database from MaxMind to determine in which country users are located in.
This plugin is freely available but is supported only through PRO Support.
The LDAP plugin provides authentication by querying one or more LDAP servers.
When b2evolution’s login form is submitted, the plugin will intercept the login request to query the LDAP servers instead of querying b2evolution’s internal user table.
The plugin can do the following:
The Ping-O-Matic plugin sends a ping after you publish a post. Ping-O-Matic is a service that updates different search engines letting them know that your blog has been updated.