Comment from: Charles LePage Visitor

Comment from: Fraser Pearce Visitor

I can’t use this plugin as it causes an error when I try to install it:
Additional information about this error:
MySQL error!
Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes(Errno=1071)
Your query:
CREATE TABLE evo_plugin_openid_28_assoc (
server_url BLOB,
handle VARCHAR(255),
secret BLOB,
issued INTEGER,
lifetime INTEGER,
assoc_type VARCHAR(64),
PRIMARY KEY (server_url(255), handle) )
Comment from: dAniel hAhler Visitor

Charles, yes, you need to configure it: refer to the plugin settings.
Fraser, this looks like your MySQL default charset uses more than one byte per character (e.g. utf8). Since MySQL the length gets interpreted as characters instead of bytes and therefor the primary key gets too long.
This is only the case for the MyISAM DB engine.
So, the fix appears to be adding “CHARACTER SET latin1″ or “ENGINE=InnoDB” at the end of the CREATE TABLE block.
The patch is here: http://evocms-plugins.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/evocms-plugins/openid_plugin/trunk/_openid.plugin.php?r1=582&r2=581&pathrev=582
Comment from: Fraser Pearce Visitor

Sweet, that worked a treat. Cheers!
Comment from: Mikle Visitor

Plugin does’t work with any user’s accounts exept admin. (b2evo 1.10.2)
User can’t login in blog ("wrong password") after linking openid to profile.
Plugin doesn’t create additional rows in “evo_plugin_openid_28_user_openid” table.
Is it possible to fix it?
When I try to install this plugin in 1:10:02, I get the following error:
The plugin has not been enabled.
The source for randomness (/dev/urandom) is not available. Please configure it.