Comment from: Wille Raab Visitor

Comment from: Wille Raab Visitor

Bah! Just ignore the last part of my comment: I was wrong and figured out the problem as soon as I’d posted the comment. I’m stupid. :)
Great plugin!
Comment from: EdB Visitor

Dang mac users! Is it okay to delete the folder called __MACOSX in the root plugin folder and .DS_Store file in the “sidebarcomments_plugin” folder?
(I’m pretty sure it is, and it’s nice to see this feature again, but I figured I’d ask to make sure.)
Comment from: Visitor

I added the spans.
Sorry, I forget that inferior operating systems don’t know how to hide files that start with a period ;) I removed the DS_STORE and updated the zip.
Comment from: Lyrasia Visitor

Hello, I like the plugin and it works fine, but I have a wish:
is it possible, that the “the title of the post” in the sidebar, is a permalink to the comment on that post ? not to the post itself?? ore maybe better the name of the person who give the comment is the link to the comment in the post??
seems to me much better, if there are more comments than only 3 ore 4..
(sorry for my english, I do my best ;-) )
Comment from: Coldhart Visitor

need to add the option of allowing part or all of the
comment to show -
Very neat! Maybe you could add some spans around the different parts of the comments, so it’s easier to change the apperance with css. :)
However, this plugin has the same problem as real tagcloud: if a blog is configured to show posts from multiple blogs, the plugin won’t fetch comments from all these blogs. This is very limiting for my system. :(