Comment from: yak Visitor

Comment from: balupton Visitor

[quote="http://www.balupton.com/blogs/b2evo?p=29&more=1&page=3″]Need Help?
The best way to get support is through the plugin’s topic, just make a post there (also just read the last page of posts, to see if someone else is experiencing the problem). The forum topic is here http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=10233.[/quote]
Comment from: yak Visitor

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction but i seems I missed the conception and the thing I’ve mentioned in previous comment isn’t really a bug. Forget what I said :).
Cool plugin but I think there is a bug. Even thou I have disabled the “display sicky on all pages” I see them in all categories when there is no user logged in. I’ve looked at the source and it seems to be caused by the $page global variable. If there is no user logged in, it is always unset causing the plugin to “think” it is on the main page. I’ve replaced it with $cat variable which seems to fix the problem.
I’m using version of the plugin with b2evolution-1.10.2-2007-06-08.